day in my life feature image

A Day In My Life

I actually have 2 holes in my body that most kids don’t have. There’s the stomach one, and I have one in my throat, too. They call it a Trach, which is short for tracheostomy.

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The Face of Life

The world offers us lessons that we can choose to either grasp tightly or hold onto loosely. Some define us, while others might be mistakenly overlooked. Over the last couple of years, I realized that my younger, free spirited, high energy and above all, smiling self was just a dream.

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family spotlight father's day post

Family Spotlight: Father’s Day Edition 2016

In honor of Father’s Day, we want to recognize awesome fathers everywhere; in particular we would like to highlight Russel Newman, proud and dedicated father of Nathaniel. Nathaniel was born with Treacher Collins syndrome 12 years ago and has so far undergone 56 surgeries.

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Family Spotlight: The Pleasants-Smith Family

We are a family of five, with three terrific kids: McLaine, Jaimeson and Andy. McLaine is our 21-year-old college student. She was born without a facial difference. Our 18-year-old daughter, Jaimeson, was born with a severe expression of Treacher Collins Syndrome. Two years after Jaimeson was born, we adopted our

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myFace patient pia

A life Changing Experience

The day after I was born, a geneticist was able to inform my parents that I had a rare congenital birth defect, though they were unsure how to proceed. The condition caused the bones of my skull, mid-face and spinal column to be malformed, causing a multitude of other medical problems.

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Why We Give

Several years ago, Nick O’Neill and Mary Valiante found themselves in the happy position of being able to increase their charitable donations. After researching myFace and the work the organization does, Nick and Mary felt myFace would fit perfectly with their desire to support patients in need of facial reconstruction.

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myface blog father day reflection

A Father’s Reflection

I have a quick reflection about fatherhood and love that I’ve been meaning to write about for awhile. As a father one of the biggest things I learned about parenthood from my dad was to love and sacrifice. For different people those things manifest in an infinite number of ways.

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rebekah aversano 60 minutes

Face-transplant recipient meets dead donor’s sister

myFace is honored to provide critical psychosocial services to Richard Lee Norris on an ongoing basis including speech therapy, nutritional support and psychological counseling. myFace additionally provides airline transportation and housing to Richard when he travels to NYC for his medical appointments. He has become an integral member of the

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