myFace launched a new monthly podcast in June 2021 hosted by Dina Zuckerberg, Director of Family Programs. The series – myFace, myStory: Voices from the Craniofacial Community – aims to inform and educate the general public about craniofacial differences and the issues that individuals and families of the community face; with each episode sharing a different personal journey and perspective.

The third episode, “A Conversation with Sisters,” featured best-selling author, comedian, and internet sensation, Sarah Cooper, and her sister, Charmaine Cooper, an accomplished nurse practitioner. Charmaine was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome and deafness, and in this episode, she offers her firsthand experience living with a facial difference, while Sarah provides a heartfelt sibling perspective.

Sarah felt that the podcast offered the opportunity to ask her sister questions about her facial differences that she had never asked before, saying, “I’m 43 and she’s 50 now and we’re having the conversations that I wish we had had when we were a lot younger.” When asked what advice she would give her younger self, Charmaine answered, “Ask for help and tell people how you feel. I’m not sure I ever communicated how I feel.”

Sarah asked her sister, “When you meet someone, would you want someone to ask about it? How do you feel about being asked about [your facial difference]?” Charmaine responded that while there is a time and place for curiosity, “If it comes from a good place, ask me! It’s okay to ask because if you don’t know, knowledge is power.”

This conversation has so many moments of genuine sisterly love, humor, and heart. In case you missed it, click here to learn all the ways to watch/listen!

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