Meet 3 of Our myFace Heroes

Every year, myFace helps hundreds of children born with craniofacial disorders, supporting thousands of procedures and consultations. It can be incredibly difficult for everyone: the parents, the medical team, and of course, the children.

So we wanted to share the stories of a few of our amazing “myFace Heroes”. These kids are brave, resilient, & an inspiration to all of us here at myFace.

Flossy Flossy, 13
Born with Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS), Flossy has profound hearing loss and hears with the benefit of hearing aids. TCS has shaped Flossy, but does not define her. She is fun loving, determined and persistent, and doesn’t let TCS slow her down.She’s a strong student with a variety of extra-curricular interests. Athletic and very active in sports, Flossy plays basketball, softball and volleyball on her school team. Out of school, Flossy is a skilled tennis player, skier and surfer. She even plays the bass guitar in the school band and is an avid photographer

Wyatt, 13
At the time he was born, his was the widest cleft that NYU Langone had to date. Wyatt has had 5 surgeries in his life, including most recently, a bone graft.Wyatt is a fun, friendly teenager who has read the book “Wonder” twice – the first time when he was nine years old. He absolutely loved it and really related to Auggie immediately, recommending it to all of his teachers and friends. His list of achievements and hobbies is long: he is an honor roll student, plays hockey, is on the wrestling team and is a talented singer.

Jahzara, 9
Born with Goldenhar Syndrome, Jahzara’s lower mandible was life-threateningly too small. She had three radical surgeries before age one, with metal pins hanging from her face. She has scars and always embraced them.Recently, her mother was told that a child asked Jahzara about her scars and she calmly and proudly shared a bit of her story. While walking home, directly after Jahzara made up a catchy, self-affirming tune with words that include, “I’m beautiful, unique, it’s great to be me.” She’s beautiful inside and out, which is evident as soon as you meet her, most notably the kindness she shows everyone.”I really like the myFace community, it’s like a big, big family,” Jahzara said. “Someone told me at a myFace meeting: you’re not different, you’re special.”

With the holidays and the New Year coming, I hope you’ll hold these children in your heart and be inspired by their strength. We couldn’t help them without the support of our donors – people like you.

If you haven’t made a donation to myFace this year, please give now. Flossy, Wyatt, and Jahzara are just 3 of the 600,000+ people in the US with a craniofacial disorder and we need your support to help transform their lives.

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