Podcast Episode Release Date: March 15, 2023
On this month’s myFace, myStory podcast, host Dina Zuckerberg is joined by Ava Marie Beeler who will share her journey of growing up with Pfeiffer Syndrome, a rare craniofacial difference. She talks about how having more than 30 surgeries impacted her. But through support from her family, medical team, and peers, she overcame depression and PTSD. She shares how she found her voice and her desire to want to help others on this same journey. She has said that “Each and every person with a facial difference is special and worth celebrating!” Ava seems like a typical young woman her age, however, she is anything but typical. In fact, she’s quite extraordinary.
Read about our guest below the video:
Ava Beeler is 20 years old and lives in a small town in CT. She was born with a rare genetic condition called Pfeiffer Syndrome type 2. She is currently a Sophomore at Manchester Community College. She would love to become a psychologist one day and help others. She is an only child and enjoys spending time with her family. She also enjoys cooking all kinds of creative dishes for her family. She loves sharing her journey growing up with a facial difference and showing that she is not different from anyone else. Her dream is to run a therapy group for people who have facial differences and make them feel less alone.
Additional Resources
myFace offers support groups for Adolescents, Adults, Parents, Spanish Speakers impacted by craniofacial differences, and expecting parents. Ava has benefited from both the Adolescent and Adult support groups. If you are interested, please visit https://myface.org/online-groups for more info!
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