Dear Reader,
As the autumn changes the colors around us, we contemplate how myFace has changed the lives of those who are navigating a craniofacial journey.
On September 1, 2021, myFace officially celebrated 70 years of our work and a legacy that has changed faces and transformed lives for seven decades. We acknowledge with profound appreciation the fact that this work is only possible because of your support.
Please take a moment to read these heartwarming stories in this October issue of Your Impact of some of the individuals and families impacted by a craniofacial difference whose lives you’ve helped change. To download the Fall 2021 newsletter as a PDF, click here.
Thank you for making what we do possible!
Stephanie Paul
Executive Director, myFace
P.S. If you are able to make a donation at this time, thank you! Your gift will allow myFace to continue on the path forward to provide education, support, and access to holistic comprehensive care – impacting the lives of individuals and families forever.
Meet Emily: A Spirited “Warrior” and Passionate Advocate for the Craniofacial Community
“What I mostly admire about being a part of myFace is getting the opportunity to be an advocate for others like me by sharing my story and letting them know it’s okay to embrace your differences. Because what you think about yourself is more important than what a stranger walking on the other side of the street thinks of you.”
– Emily
An inspiring 24-year-old woman born with Apert Syndrome, Emily’s philosophy in life is to be optimistic and never let anyone else define who she is.
Offering her wisdom to the myFace community, she shares her message of strength and sense of self.
Learn more about this determined and inspiring young woman.
Generous Donations Make It Possible for myFace to Provide Free Accommodations
Laura and Malcolm Beeler are so grateful to myFace for being able to stay in our apartments over the years while they’ve sought treatment for their daughter, Ava. These free accommodations have enabled them to focus on getting care for their daughter without the worry or expense of staying in a hotel in NYC.
Read how the myFace Apartments are a safe haven for families like the Beelers.
Ask the Experts
On August 10, 2021, myFace presented a free educational webinar as part of our Transforming Lives series focused on helping parents create the building blocks for a successful school year, home life, and social interactions for children with craniofacial diagnoses.

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Marik, Dr. Johns, and Dr. Magee.
An Important Lesson on Getting Your Child’s Confidence to Shine Through
Children’s book author, Kelly Vurinaris, shares her experience as mom to 6-year-old Zoe, born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, which inspired her to write the Hi, I’m Me series.
Camp Reflections Gives Kids with Differences a Summer They Won’t Forget
This summer, myFace sponsored 7 children to attend Camp Reflections, a unique program specifically for children with facial differences and their siblings. For one week they got to celebrate just being kids!
Read here how Camp Reflections gave these kids a safe space where they felt welcomed and loved.
myFace, myStory, A Conversation with Sisters
In June, myFace launched the podcast series, myFace, myStory: Voices from the Craniofacial Community. Each episode shares a different personal journey and perspective.
The third episode features best-selling author, comedian, and internet sensation, Sarah Cooper, and her sister, Charmaine Cooper, an accomplished nurse practitioner born with Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Click here to read more of the candid, in-depth conversation between the Cooper Sisters.