Make a lasting difference by naming myFace as a beneficiary in your estate plans.
Make a lasting difference by naming myFace as a beneficiary in your estate plans.
By designating a planned gift, you can help to keep building upon the successes we have achieved so far and ensure our efforts continue well into the future.
There are many options for including myFace in your estate planning.
Here are some ways that you can designate myFace as a beneficiary:
1. You can change your mind at any time. This type of gift does not go into effect until after your passing, so you have the opportunity to change or revoke your gift at any time while you are alive. Plus, since you’re not actually parting with assets today, you don’t need to worry that you won’t have enough to live on in the future should you need your assets to cover your living expenses.
2. You can be flexible in your commitment. Most people do not know what the exact size of their estate will be. Therefore, making a gift to us by using a percentage amount can be a more appropriate way to divide your assets. It allows you to benefit myFace and loved ones in relative proportion.
Even a gift of 5-10 percent of your estate can make a big difference in the lives of the children and adults we help. When you give an unrestricted, legacy donation – that is, one that is not designated for a specific project or focus – your gift will have the flexibility to help patients and families in many different ways, rather than having the monies designated for an initiative that may or may not remain necessary in the future. Rest assured that your legacy will be applied with utmost consideration to make a lasting impact on the craniofacial community.
The following is suggested language intended to help you in drafting a bequest to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding myFace. Please remember to always consult with an attorney or tax advisor when considering a planned gift.
Be sure our organization’s correct legal name appears in all final documents as:
The National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction, Inc. dba myFace, 333 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016, a New York nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax ID #13-6013760
For a General Bequest of a stated sum of money:
I give to The National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction, Inc. dba myFace, 333 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016, a New York nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax ID #13-6013760 [insert here the exact dollar amount].
For a Specific Bequest of a certain asset from your estate:
I give to The National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction, Inc. dba myFace, 333 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016, a New York nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax ID #13-6013760, [insert here a description of the particular property].
For a Residuary Bequest, after other bequests and expenses have been paid:
I give to The National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction, Inc. dba myFace, 333 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016, a New York nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax ID #13-6013760, all [or a portion] of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.
For a Contingent Bequest if the person making the will is not survived by certain individuals:
If [name/s of primary beneficiary/ies] do/es not survive me, or shall die within ninety (90) days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give to The National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction, Inc. dba myFace, 333 East 30th Street, New York, NY 10016, a New York nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax ID #13-6013760, [insert here the exact dollar amount, description of property, or percentage of residual estate].
You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as myFace without having to pay income taxes on the money. Gifts of any value $100,000 or less are eligible for this benefit and you can feel good knowing that you are making a difference. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year, as long as certain rules are met.
Other Ways: You can also name myFace as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy, a charitable gift annuity, a donor advised fund, and more.

To explore these options further, consult an estate planning professional or an attorney to help you create a plan that is appropriate for you. You can also email or call 917-720-4701.